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Fundraising Tips & Resources


Once you have registered, use your personal fundraising page to help you raise more funds and change more lives!  Your page will help you:

  • Tell your story and customize your page with a picture or video!
  • Conveniently send pre-written emails or personal messages asking friends and family to donate.
  • Encourage them to forward the opportunity to others so they can help transform lives as well.
  • Encourage online giving so donors can receive automated confirmation of their gifts for tax purposes.
  • Share it on social media platforms so you can ask your friends and family to help you raise money that will help people find freedom from addiction.


Did you know that teams raise 3x more than individuals?  Work with your teammates to create a list of everyone you know.  For example: friends, family, neighbours, as well as networking groups, church and business associates.  Now you have a list of people you can tell about this vital ministry and ask them to participate or donate on your behalf.


Asking for donations is easier than you think. Just tell everyone WHY you are raising funds for the important work done at Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada. Your story, passion, and commitment will inspire others to give as well. Remember, you’re giving them the opportunity to make a difference in transforming lives instead of asking them to give YOU a donation.

Every dollar raised provides the resources needed to give hope and transform lives. The following are tips that can help you increase your impact on this ministry. The sooner you start, the more funds you will be able to raise!


  • Ask your employer to sponsor you.
  • Ask businesses you frequent, and company vendors, to sponsor you.
  • Form a team and collect tributes on behalf of a loved one.
  • Form a team with your church group, sports teams, or any other social group you are a part of.

WORK – Get approval from your supervisor for the following fun ideas:

  • Check with your HR department to see if they will match your contributions.
  • Chili Cook-Off –  Invite employees to participate and charge $5 per person to eat. Award a vacation day to the best chef!
  • Piggy Bank – Keep an empty jar at your desk and ask for loose change.
  • Candy Sales – Keep a bowl of candy at your desk and ask for donations.

CHURCH – Discuss these great ideas with your pastor or church leader:

  • Bake Sale – Hold one at church and ask everyone to contribute treats.
  • Garage Sale – Invite everyone to donate items and hold a garage sale.
  • Potluck Dinner – Ask people to provide potluck items and charge a minimal fee for others to attend.
  • Pancake Breakfast – Host a breakfast before or after services and charge a fee to attend.

SCHOOL – Talk with your teacher or principal about these ideas:

  • Book Drive – Ask families to donate unused books and hold a book sale.
  • Penny Drive – Give a large jar to classes in your school and announce that the class who collects the most coins wins ice cream.
  • Car Wash – Invite families and collect donations with a car wash in the parking lot.

*Please adjust suggestions as needed to respect current health codes.


Most businesses have funds set aside to give to charity each year.  Here are some tips on how you can channel some of those funds to Adult & Teen Challenge.  

Remember, fundraising is highly relational, so it really helps if you know someone at the business who can make a call or send an email for you!

  • Make sure you get the name and contact information for the person who actually makes the decisions.  Ideally, schedule some time to talk to them, but if not, ask when is a good time to call them.
  • After you make an appeal, if they say they will think about it, ask when you can give them a follow-up call.  Also, make sure they have your phone number.  Specifically, ask them for something, such as “Will you take a look at this brochure within the next few days?”  Get a commitment from them in some small way.
  • Don’t quit trying until you get a definite no.  Be polite and persistent, but not pushy!
  • Ask for a specific amount or at least a range.  You might get the question, “What’s a typical amount others are giving?”  Give them a range from low to high.  Something like, “We have seen companies give from $250 to $5,000.”
  • Stress that they are giving to a registered charity and all donations are 100% tax-deductible. Remind them that they are helping change lives and restore broken families.  Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is doing great things for people in their communities!
  • Remember, it’s always easier for people to say no over the phone or in email than it is in person.  Get an in-person meeting if you can!