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What to Do With a Failed Intervention

Addressing a loved one’s difficult drug addiction journey can be an emotionally and mentally taxing experience. The potential failure of …

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How Does Faith Help Mental Health?

For those who believe in God, faith means placing your total trust in him and having confidence that he’ll fulfill all …

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Behavioural Addiction: What It Is and How to Treat It

Addiction disorder can affect anyone. Millions of Canadians partake in addictive behaviours like gambling and shopping, which can have a …

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Rehab For Mothers With Children: What Addicted Parents Need to Know

The idea of rehab for mothers with children is fraught with worry and downright fear. Some people are put off …

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My Loved One is Addicted! Part 5 – Confronting vs Care-fronting

It is very difficult to communicate your true feelings while trying to reason with someone who is blinded by their own condition or mindset

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