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We’re building a new SuperThrift store in Steinbach!

We need a bigger place for even more of our students to gain valuable work skills in a safe and healthy environment.

Your generosity today can help do just that—by preparing a square foot of our new building!

Having work—meaningful and joyful work—plays a very important role in our student’s recovery.

You know that phrase about idle hands? Well, it’s especially true for men and women struggling with addiction. Working helps keep their minds off of the temptations they’re facing, and helps them overcome their fears!

That’s why our SuperThrift stores are so important. They provide our students with an opportunity to learn valuable work skills—like customer service—before returning to the outside world.

These work opportunities teach them discipline, leadership, and responsibility—key qualities for success on their road to recovery.

We want this building to be a place where they can uncover their full potential and find a sense of purpose and joy in the work they’re doing. All while being surrounded by people who want to encourage them in their journey towards healing.

Which is why we’re coming to you—our caring community of supporters. People who believe in the potential of our students!

We need your help to finish renovating our new, 7,600 square foot SuperThrift building in Steinbach. That’s 5,286 square feet more than what we currently have!

Your gift of $66.26 can help prepare two square feet of this new space—getting it ready before fall so our students can have a safe and healthy place to gain confidence and learn new skills. 

Your generosity today will help make sure we can offer meaningful work to so many more students in our programs. What a blessing that would be!

If you’d like to join this important project, please fill out the donation form below. 

Thank you, and may God bless you!

  • $33.13 to help prepare one square foot
  • $66.26 to help prepare two square feet
  • $99.39 to help prepare three square feet
  • $165.65 to help prepare five square feet