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This Easter, many people are struggling with addiction right here in your own community

Your kind gift today can provide critical essentials for someone’s first day of recovery

In this season of redemption and second chances, many of your neighbours are looking to find freedom from addiction. 

But for some families, recovery programs cost more than they can afford. 

Your special gift this Easter can provide the critical essentials their loved ones need to begin recovery. 

For $71, you can give a neighbour:

  • A warm, safe place to get clean
  • Hearty and healthy food to nourish their bodies
  • Our trusted curriculum that will lead them to freedom!

Through your generosity, you can come alongside individuals and families dealing with addiction and remind them of the comfort they can find in Jesus’ promises. 

You can provide the second chance and new life they’ve been praying for.

If you’re able to—and would like to—help this Easter, know that your gift will get to work right away supporting men and women struggling with addiction…

…And easing the burdens of their family members.

Thank you, and God bless you!

  • $71 covers a full day of essentials for one student 
  • $142 covers a full day of essentials for two students 
  • $213 covers a full day of essentials for three students