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Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing freedom from life-controlling addictions for individuals, families, and communities. We are committed to a holistic and intensive approach, ensuring each person’s recovery journey is uniquely customized to meet their specific needs. Our mission extends beyond merely breaking addiction; we strive to develop excellence and remove the barriers many people face today.

We believe in walking alongside each individual every step of the way in their journey from addiction to freedom and beyond. Recognizing that we are built for community, we understand the importance of interdependence and the strength that comes from supportive relationships. Our programs are designed to foster a sense of belonging and mutual support, creating a nurturing environment where individuals can thrive.

Through our comprehensive services, we provide not only the tools for recovery but also the continuous encouragement and companionship needed to sustain long-term freedom. We aim to transform lives by addressing the root causes of addiction and equipping individuals with the skills and support necessary for lasting change. Together, we build a community where every person can experience the fullness of life in Christ, free from addiction.

To arrange a meeting or talk with one of our support staff 

1-888-822-9992 [email protected]

CORE Program

Our CORE program provides personalized recovery plans in a structured environment where each individual’s recovery journey is uniquely customized. This program includes individual and group mentoring, counseling, spiritual disciplines, life-skills training, workplace certification, and on-the-job training. With a holistic and intensive approach, the length of the live-in recovery program is tailored to the specific needs of each person. Our goal is to not only break the stronghold of addiction and help men and women develop excellence and find freedom, but to break down the barriers for someone looking for support.


Ready Now Recovery

Ready Now Recovery offers a comprehensive support system designed to assist individuals and families dealing with life-controlling issues. Through a combination of in-person and virtual support groups, Ready Now provides an accessible, affordable, and biblically-based framework for recovery. We ensure a holistic approach to care, including training community leaders and providing referrals for professional help and long-term recovery programs.

Family & Loved Ones Support

Concerned Persons Group: The Concerned Persons program is designed to support individuals who have current or past relationships with someone struggling with addiction. This program focuses on equipping participants with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate these challenging relationships healthily and constructively.

By addressing issues such as enabling, codependency, and healthy communication, the Concerned Persons program empowers participants to set healthy boundaries and foster an environment conducive to recovery. This program provides practical and spiritual guidance, ensuring that loved ones of those struggling with addiction can find support and resources tailored to their unique situations

Freedom Services

Wherever you find yourself on your journey, join us at the Adult & Teen Challenge Freedom Service to discover hope and hear powerful testimonies of those who have overcome addiction. Bring your friends and family to experience a welcoming community dedicated to supporting you and your loved ones, providing inspiration and a path forward together in grace and freedom.

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Read Ethan's Story

Ethan's Story

My name is Ethan. I was born in 2002 and lived up in Thunder Bay Ontario for most of my life. Growing up I had a loving father and mother and three siblings and we lived in a God fearing Christian home. I was lucky to have the opportunity to be put into soccer at a young age. My family was all into sports so we had a healthy competition thing going on. I went pretty far in soccer and my parents put me through lots of training camps for years until I was good enough. By the age of 15 I went to live in Italy and played at a high level there. I had gone to England already and all over the states, that was my life. That all came to an end when I started to use drugs and alcohol to cope with the pain of a broken home as my parents were fighting all the time and eventually got a divorce. I fell in life with that life, and so I flat out quit on my dreams of becoming a soccer player and committed my self to a life of crime and selling drugs, not caring or knowing what kind of an impact my actions would have on myself or those around me. I remember on my 17th birthday I was sitting in a trap house selling crack with a shotgun in my hand, staying in this house for weeks at a time without leaving. Fast forward to 18 years of age, I had come close to losing my life multiple times and I struggled with my mental health. It was at this point where I decided I needed to move away and start fresh. For a while it worked, and I was able to grow up in many ways and escape from my current situation. But I slowly went back to my old life because I had not yet delt with the pain or hurt. That’s why I decided to come to Adult & Teen Challenge and fully surrender my life to Christ.

Read Katie's Story

Katie's Story

My name is Katie, and I graduated from the Adult and Teen Challenge long-term program in October of 2022. While in the long-term program, I knew that God was calling me to serve at Adult and Teen Challenge, which led me to apply for their SURGE program, an 18-month emerging leaders’ program.

During this time, I have continued my journey of healing and restoration while learning how to work in a ministry role and represent the freedom that can be found through Jesus Christ.

I now have the privilege of serving in the Community Office, where I have the unique opportunity to support and guide individuals who find themselves in the very situation I once overcame. God has given me a testimony of His faithfulness and goodness, and I am so grateful that I can use it to glorify Him and bring hope and healing to others!

A scripture I have seen come to fruition in my own life is Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people."

Read Darva's Story

Darva's Story

As a kid, I carried a lot of guilt and shame due to some of the things that went on in my childhood. Things that I had said and done were too much for me to bear. Due to this heavy weight, my addiction began before I even started high school.  


When I was 19, I came to the realization that I needed help to stay sober because I just couldn’t do it on my own. Each time I tried to get sober, I fell deeper into addiction, so I was determined to do whatever needed to be done for me to get into Adult & Teen Challenge and out of the place I was in.


When I arrived at ATC, I was in a very dark place. I was hurting, full of fears, insecure and I had very little hope. I really believed I would be stuck in addiction my whole life. Since I came into the program, God has done a lot in my life. I have grown to love and accept myself the way I am. I am believing the truth about who He says I am, and I have experienced the healing and freedom God promises in James 5:16. I am truly healed in areas I never thought were possible to heal. I am no longer in bondage to what held me back from getting the freedom God intended me to have!

Contact us: [email protected]  |  1-888-822-9992