When someone wants to be free from addiction but their commitments—work, parenting and life—can’t be put on pause, where can they turn?

This fall, you can help make sure there’s always a space for them in a Ready Now Recovery outpatient program

When struggling with addiction, choosing to get help can be extremely difficult. Any barrier—nomatter how small—can feel like a sign to not go through with it.

Adult & Teen Challenge offers programs people can attend while continuing to keep up with their responsibilities like parenting or work.

  • $25 covers the cost of an essential workbook for one student
  • $80 covers the cost of the Ready Now Recovery program for one student
  • $160 covers the cost of the Ready Now Recovery program for two students
  • $320 covers the cost of the Ready Now Recovery program for three students

You can help make sure there are as few barriers as possible to someone fighting to find freedom from addiction so they can live the life they were meant to live.

Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada | 83 Kate Street, Winnipeg MB R3A 1J9 | 1-888-822-9992 Registered Charity No. 14078-4406-RR0001